Monday, July 1, 2019

WARNING: Canine Flu Breakout in Sacramento!!

There is a kennel in Sacramento that has had 2 confirmed cases of Canine Influenza and several other dogs are symptomatic. This is a highly contagious disease that we conveniently have a vaccine for. New clients would need an appointment but we strongly recommend that clients get their dogs vaccinated. This is for dogs only!

UPDATE from the Oakland, CA outbreak:
  • 2 shelters affected
  • 55 dogs confirmed sick
  • All 108 dogs in quarantine
  • Some have died
You can help prevent the spread of canine influenza virus by vaccinating your dogs.

Prevention is the best medicine! Please call us TODAY at (916) 985-4700 to schedule an appointment to safeguard your dog's health!

CLICK HERE for a brochure or visit